Raymond Hino
Raymond T. Hino, M.PA, F.A.C.H.E. Chief Executive Officer
Southern Coos Hospital & Health Center
Bandon, Oregon
Raymond Hino is a native Californian, born in Hollywood, California and raised in Pomona, California. He attended the University of Southern California (U.S.C.) and graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science in Public Administration in 1976. In 1978 he received his Masters Degree in Public Administration (in the Health Services Administration Program) also from the University of Southern California. In 2008 he achieved Fellow status in the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE). In 2016 he achieved the distinction of becoming the first and only Hospital CEO to reopen a California District Hospital that had previously closed its doors. He is the only California Hospital CEO to have converted 3 California rural hospitals to critical access hospital designation, and thus preserving access to healthcare in those communities.
Hino currently serves as the Chief Executive Officer of the Southern Coos Hospital & Health Center, a 21-bed full service critical access hospital in the rural Southern Oregon coastal community of Bandon, Oregon. He has held that position since March 1 of 2022.
During his career in Hospital Administration, he has served in a variety of administrative positions in hospitals, including 25 years in CEO level positions in hospitals. He has worked in urban and rural, large and small, and in proprietary, non-profit and governmental hospital institutions. In addition to his home State of California, he has worked in Texas, New Mexico, Idaho, Montana and Oregon.
Hino is nationally known as a forward thinking leader in the health care field with vast experience in health care operations and policy at the State and Federal level. He is known for his contributions in health care administration, health information technology, telemedicine, Medicaid managed care and rural health care delivery. His many Board appointments have included: Founding Chair of the California Critical Access Hospital Network, Board of Directors of the American Hospital Association (AHA), Board of Directors of the California Hospital Association (CHA), CHA Rural Healthcare Center Advisory Board and Board of Directors of the Montana Hospital Association. He has additionally, served on the boards of 2 Medicaid Managed Care Plans, Partnership Health Plan of California and Kern Family Health Care. Other Board appointments have included Beta Alliance Insurance Services.
In 2006 he was recognized by the CHA Rural Healthcare Center for Outstanding Contribution to Rural Health Care. In 2013 he was a recipient of the California State Rural Health Association Rural Champion Award. In 2014 he was named by Becker’s Hospital Review to its inaugural list of “50 Rural Hospital CEOs to Know.”
Hino previously served as a frequent contributor on Hospital Impact, a National Healthcare Leadership Web Blog and on the Fierce Healthcare Editorial Advisory Board. He now resides in Bandon, Oregon. He has been married to his wife, Gayle, for 37 years.